Synthesis of the PMI methodology

The PMI is 50 processes grouped into 10 "knowledge domains"

Project life cycle
Groups of processes Launch Plan Execution Control Closure
Integration Management (IM)
Set the terms of the mandate
Develop the preliminary terms of the scope
Establish the project management plan
Manage and lead execution of the project
Oversee and control project activities
Implement control of modifications
Close the project or the phase
Scope Management (SM)
Plan management of the scope
Gather requirements
Define the scope
Create a work breakdown structure
Control the scope
Validate the scope
Deadline Management (DM)
Plan management of the deadlines
Define the activities
Organize the activities in sequence
Estimate the duration of the activities
Develop the plan
Control the plan
Cost Management (CM)
Plan cost management
Estimate the costs
Establish the budget
Control costs
Quality Management (QM)
Plan the Quality (model)
Implement quality assurance
Implement change controls
Human Resource Management (HRM)
Develop the human resources plan
Estimate the human resouces required to complete the activities
Build the project team
Develop the project team
Manage the project team
Communication Management (COM)
Plan communications
Identify the expectations of the stakeholders
Report on performance
Stakeholder Management (SHM)
Identify the stakeholders
Plan the involvement of the Stakeholders
Manage the expectations and involvement of the Stakeholders
Manage the issues and concerns of the Stakeholders
Verify the involvement of the Stakeholders
Risk Management (RI)
Plan management of the risks
Identify the risks
Implement quantitative and qualitative analysis of the risks
Apply the responses to risks
Applying risk responses
Monitor and control risks
Procurement Management (PRM)
Plan procurement
Proceed with procurement
Manage produrement
Close procurement

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